Ho! Ho! Ho! Everyone...
Thanks so much for hopping by! If you have arrived from
Dawinca's blog, you are on the right track. If you want to start from the beginning
click here.
I am sure you are all simply amazed by all the creativeness you have seen thus far. I know how inspiring it is for me when I get to see all this incredible talent in one place!
A heartfelt "thanks" goes out to Ruthie
(septemberninth) for inviting me to take part in this awesome Advent Calendar Blog Hop!!! She is one of the nicest people I have had the pleasure of getting to know...
Make sure you stick around until the very end and see what an amazing project she has waiting for you!
Below is the video of my project!
I hope you get some ideas for an Advent Calendar from this one that I made, I had such a good time making it. It was really simple with the help of this adorable DCWV paper pack.
Now on to my Give-away...
If you would like to win this super adorable sewing machine, all you need to do is:
1. Become a follower of my blog, if not already following.
2. Leave me a comment on this blog post. (with a way of getting a hold of you)
That's it, easy peasy!
I will be picking the winner via random.org on Monday night and I will announce the winner Tuesday morning, right here!
Here is the list of all the blogs in the hop!
Make sure you hop on along to the next blog~ Simply "click" the link below and you will be on your way...
Thanks so much for "hopping" along with us today! I hope the rest of your weekend is wonderful!
Warm Hugs,